

Embarking on this new journey of cultivating beautiful pea microgreens fills me with an overwhelming sense of excitement. This marks the second crop I’ve nurtured, and the magic lies in witnessing the growth of vibrant, nourishing greens within the confines of my home during the winter. As I marvel at the green tendrils reaching for the light, I reflect on the significance of this milestone—it coincides with 25 years of adhering to a plant-based diet, a journey that has evolved to prioritize whole foods.

Growing my own food holds a profound meaning for me beyond the physical act of cultivation. It serves as a spiritual tether to my decolonization path, allowing me to reconnect with my true self and the boundless knowledge and wisdom of my Ancestors. The process of tending to these microgreens becomes a sacred act, weaving together the threads of my cultural heritage and the ancestral practices that have guided me on this transformative journey.

In this cultivation, I find myself in the company of inspirational figures who have shaped my understanding and love for growing food. Among them, my Abuela Rosa, whose hands once worked the soil, imparting invaluable lessons that transcend generations. My mother, a nurturing force who instilled in me the importance of the earth’s bounty, and my beloved friend, Leah, whose passion for sustainable farming has been a beacon of inspiration.

As I witness the tiny green shoots emerge, I am reminded of the interconnectedness of all life and the cyclical nature of growth and sustenance. Gratitude fills my heart for the lessons learned from those who cultivated before me and for the continuous inspiration that fuels my commitment to a plant-based, whole foods lifestyle. Each leaf, each sprout, becomes a testament to the resilience of the earth and the enduring legacy of those who cultivated the wisdom that guides me today.