
Veggie Stock Is Your Friend

The versatility of vegetable stock is a cornerstone in our kitchen, serving as a multifaceted foundation for a myriad of culinary creations. We integrate this flavorful elixir into soups, infuse it into rice, and employ it as a wholesome replacement for oil when sautéing an array of vibrant veggies. This practice becomes especially invaluable in managing the abundance of vegetables that flow into our kitchen from various sources — be it the bountiful yields of our CSA share, the harvest from our backyard garden, or from the local grocery store.

To ensure minimal waste and maximal flavor, I collect veggie scraps in a reusable bag nestled within my freezer. This includes everything from onion skins and garlic cloves to mushroom stems, forming a tapestry of flavors that will infuse our stock with depth. I have utilize almost every part of the vegetables, with the heads of cauliflower and broccoli which can make the broth bitter. However, I make an exception for the robust stems of kale and the substantial stalks of broccoli and cauliflower. Adding an aromatic dimension to this concoction, I liberally incorporate an array of fresh or dried herbs such as parsley, rosemary, oregano, thyme, and a handful of bay leaves.

The alchemy begins by placing this rich medley of vegetables and herbs into a pot, filling it with water until it goes above the veggies. Bringing it to a boil, I then reduce the heat to a simmer, allowing the flavors to intermingle and intensify over the course of an hour. After, I strain out the veggies and a touch of miso to deepen the umami notes.

As the broth cools, I prepare sterilized mason jars. Using a funnel, I carefully ladle this liquid into the jars, and once cooled, place in our refrigerator, ensuring a ready supply of nutrient-rich, flavor-packed stock!