
Plant Diversity & Gut Health

This vibrant dish is a botanical symphony, harmonizing the flavors of 21 different plants! The inspiration for this plant-rich creation stems from a recent podcast episode featuring Dr. Aviva Romm and Dr. Robin Chutkan, delving into the profound connection between gut health and immunity. Their insights resonated deeply, echoing the principles I’ve been cultivating since participating in the Decolonize Your Plate workshop series with the exceptional Nicolette Richer this past summer. Nicolette shared her ingenious technique for slow-cooking a diverse array of rough-chopped vegetables simultaneously in the oven—an effortless process yielding extraordinary flavors.

Today’s lunch plate is adorned not only with the aforementioned vegetable feast but also a refreshing salad, homemade oil-free dressing, and a dollop of my homemade kimchi. In synergy with my nutrient-packed oatmeal breakfast—infused with riced cauliflower, bananas, berries, flax, and more, inspired by the insights of the esteemed blogger Plantiful Kiki—I am set eat 31 distinct plants by lunch! The transformative impact of embracing a whole food plant-based diet on my gut health has been nothing short of miraculous, banishing the digestive issues that once plagued me and ushering in a new chapter of well-being and vitality.

As an interesting addition, I invite you to explore an interview with me on the Aviva Romm podcast. Aviva’s work has been a tremendously helpful on my health and parenting journey, and I extend my heartfelt thanks to her for the profound influence she has had on shaping my holistic approach to well-being.